Poho Flowers, 2/117 MacLeay Street, Potts Point

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Poho Flowers is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Florist  


+61 2 9331 4333

2/117 MacLeay Street, Potts Point, New South Wales 2011

Establishment   Florist  

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  • Rebel Delboux
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    I ordered a $150 bouquet and received something I wouldn't even pay half that for in my corner shop florist. I received an email saying they didn't have the exact flowers that I originally paid for but they would use similar ones and other seasonal flowers. Which I agreed to given I assumed it would still be of high standard. However when I received the bouquet to give to my mother the roses were withered and some were even broken half hanging out of the vase very sloppily. I know it was a same day order however I didn't pay to have half the flowers shoved in one side and the other half squashed in the other side. There was absolutely no arrangement to them whatsoever. I felt quite sad honestly they were to be given to my mum celebrating her first night out after getting out of hospital after being very ill for months. I hand her a cheap looking bouquet which she of course appreciated however it's still not right. I voiced my sadness over giving these flowers to my mother Saturday night and I am still yet to even be given an apology. So not only was the product poor, the service has also been poor.

    Update: after writing a review I have now received an email that contained a poor excuse for an apology and nothing but excuses basically blaming the poor quality on my budget and the fact it was a same day order. If you can't provide a service don't let me pay for it simple. They offered me a fifty dollar voucher that is only a third of what I paid and wouldn't even buy me a bouquet to make up for the last one. I let them know I wasn't looking for a pay out in any case just a sincere apology. However I'm greeted with again poor customer service, zero accountability and no reply after letting them know that I didn't want the voucher, I would have simply appreciated a proper apology.
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Poho Flowers is based in Potts Point. Full address is 2/117 MacLeay Street. Australia postal code is 2011. We invite you to visit the official website of Poho Flowers . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 2 9331 4333 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Poho Flowers.
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